Queria fazr um report por racismo nao so ele tem outros agora vou reporta, quando um brasileiro fala fica chamando de ma


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Solo espero que el que me reporto por "descriminacion" siga jugando .
Denunciar es facil cagon de mierda, ahora da la cara en el juego.

PD: me hago cargo de todo,se que el hay algunos indignos que no entienden la rivalidad amistosa que hay entre nuestras naciones por cula del deporte llamado "FOOTBALL" o futbol como lo decimos lo latinos.
Yvraine said:
Solo espero que el que me reporto por "descriminacion" siga jugando .
Denunciar es facil cagon de mierda, ahora da la cara en el juego.

PD: me hago cargo de todo,se que el hay algunos indignos que no entienden la rivalidad amistosa que hay entre nuestras naciones por cula del deporte llamado "FOOTBALL" o futbol como lo decimos lo latinos.

Usually when a user is warned about racism, he stops, and everybody stays happy knowing that some borders cannot be crossed, and most of the time new interventions do not need to be done.

The fact that you tried to justify what you said made me come here and write in this topic again.

Calling someone macaquito or macaco is not a welcomed attitude even in soccer/footbal/futebol. Clubs are punished and teams are fined if their fans/hinchada curse and act racist towards the players in the field. So saying that calling someone macaquito is a 'normal' thing based on "rivalidad amistosa" is simply not true.

If a person doesnt like and feels ofended by what you said, that alone is a good enough reason to make you stop.

Calling someone a mokey is not, and will never be an OK attitude anywhere in the world.

You got warned, not banned. Be aware that you cannot do that kind of stuff in-game or out-of-game and everything will be fine.

Enjoy your stay.