Friday News 17/04/2020


Reaction score
It's Friday. So it's time for Friday News.


.Skill "Trick" (TH/AW) works
.Skill "Veil" (TH) works
.Skill "Switch" (TH/PW) works
.Skill "Confusion" (PK/SK/DB/AW/PR) works
.Skill "Entice madness" (Shaman) works
.Skill "Seal of mirage" (OL) works
.Skill "Curse discord" (Necr) works
.Skill "Fear" (Necr) works


.Divine Set bonus was fixed - in accordance to Chronicle 2
.Useless spellbook drops were removed from Bloody Queen - in accordance to Chronicle 2
.Dark Elf and Elf transfer class dialogs were fixed
.Epic Bosses status, behavior and drop table were changed - in accordance to Chronicle 2
.Bug on NPC Tor is fixed. Some of the server crash and instability was caused by a bug on this NPC.
.Class Change QUests incorrect names, quest text errors in dialogs are fixed - in accordance to Chronicle 2
.Magic coins quest typos are fixed - in accordance to Chronicle 2
.Quest for 5th clan level is fixed - in accordance to Chronicle 2
.Bug with invisible items in CWH is fixed

Misc Changes

.Overall server stability changes and tweaks - New upgrades were made in order to make server stable and users will not experience Disconnects like before
.Online Database is now completed. This is a big step to us since our database is 100% custom made. It accomodates full retail like Chronicle 1 data and it is arranged in a way that reflects Elmore Lab rates. It's a unique feature.

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