Recent content by vangul2

  1. V

    Manor Mafia bots !! HELP !!

    For some wonderful reason here everyone support 1 who earn 200m per day doing nothing from manor system and the rest us who seeding dayin and dayout we cant buy 1 B grade weapon and at the end of the day we are the problem. Ahahahah :) Noone of you wonder why 30 people walking around with...
  2. V

    Manor Mafia bots !! HELP !!

    There is some options i belive. First of all, dont let 1 person sell 45 different fruits together in 1 client, people can sell only 1 fruit per client in manor window. Second the window close when you press the option sell even if the system accept your fruits or not , this give disadvantages...
  3. V

    Manor Mafia bots !! HELP !!

    Can someone tell me when Manor reset 20:05:59:01 or 20:06:00:01 ?
  4. V

    Manor Mafia bots !! HELP !!

    Every day 20:06 server time bots sell fruits instantly.Every day i wait for the magic 20:06 moment and Fruits just vanish. Every Manor has 2-3 bots with same name ...... buying our fruits for 1/3 of normal price,players like me want money to survive and our only option is to sell our fruits to...
  5. V

    Warcryer skill : Soul Cry ,Please fix mana consumed.

    Soul Cry ONLY enhance Warcryer physical MELEE damage,for the love of god 20 years now any of you see Warcryer pvp melee? Soul Cry not gonna break the game,we need it to solo farm our gear with dignity. Please change it to 20 min buff like Tyrant totems.
  6. V

    Warcryer skill : Soul Cry ,Please fix mana consumed.

    Warcryers dont have Blunt or Sword mastery and our STR is 27 and DEX 24 ,solo we wear Heavy armors and dagger or blunt. Soul cry drain our mana every 3-4 second 5-15 mana,in 1 minute our mana is zero. Soul Cry right now is broken pls help Warcryers.
  7. V

    When manor reset

    Its 20:00 and manor didnt reset