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  1. G

    Boat BUG

    Good morning, bug of the boat from gludin to talking and also from tanking to gludin, in the middle of the way the game crashes, it also happens to arrive at the destination and the char can't get out of the boat.
  2. G

    1x event

    Good afternoon, will there be an event on the 1x server? I see as a player that all players are very committed to leveling up and raising adena for equipment. I believe everyone is waiting for some event for this 1x season start. Best lengths, GRAVI
  3. G

    I will play with my daughter

    I have questions about 2 boxes, I'm going to play with my daughter, he uses her notebook and I use mine, but on the same internet. And eventually my sister will play too.
  4. G

    Recrutamento BRASIL

    junte-se a nós para o inicio dessa nostalgia. chame no whats 47 99205-2200